Abbaswatchman's Home Page <-- click hereEmail to Abbaswatchman concerning this Benny Hinn style fire being screamed in some churches today.It is definitely the works of LuciferNumbers 26:61 - "And Nadab and Abihu died, when they offered strange fire before the LORD.2 Corinthians 11:4 For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.
Benny Hinn serves the Catholic Pope. Watch this video and you will see for yourselves that Benny Hinn is a fraud I noticed that you highlighted fire.I read this article a few weeks ago.How strange the times we live in are....In Christ Jesus,Spiritual Pyromaniacs
Jackie Alnor
You’ve heard the saying, "If you play with
fire you’re going to get burnt." Today’s "Christian" Gnostics seem to have
an obsession with the elements of earth, wind, water, and fire. When we
watch "Christian" television, be it Sky Angel, TBN, or the God Channel, we
hear the televangelists and "prophetic" folks scream "Fire"! over people
who react with wild jerking and flailing of limbs as they go down in a
heap on the floor. What is this "fire" being thrown around on these
platforms in such a showy fashion?
First of all from Scripture we can see where
fire has symbolized God’s presence such as in the burning bush and in the
pillar of fire by night that led the Israelites across the desert plain.
Old Testament offerings were burned and the aroma of the smoke ascended to
God in an acceptable sacrifice. Also, in the book of Hebrews it says "our
God is a consuming fire." In its context, it is speaking of His attribute
of wrath towards evil works.
"And this word, Yet once more, signifieth
the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made,
that those things which cannot be shaken may remain. Wherefore we
receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we
may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear: For our God is a
consuming fire" (Hebrews 12:27-29).
This "fire" is that of God’s judgment – a
judgment that is not sleeping but is ready to be poured out upon a world
that rejects God’s provision of a Messiah. This is the fire that is being
kindled – the sort of fire that believers hope to escape by virtue of
abiding in the Lamb – the Messiah.
And then the Bible speaks of hell’s fire –
eternal fire that is also called "the lake burning with fire."
"But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the
abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters,
and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire
and brimstone: which is the second death" (Rev. 21:8).
The modern day "prophets" who throw fire
around like it is theirs to command attribute this fire to the Holy
Spirit. Yet, if they are correct, what is their biblical justification for
doing so? Do we really want to "catch the fire" that these men and women
are trafficking in? Would you want anything to do with the sort of "fire"
that Elijah’s List’s founder, Stephen Schulz is describing in this excerpt
from his website?
From the desk of Steve Shultz:
"I would like to recommend a couple of our
newer instrumental music CDs, Abide by Paul Ahn and El Olam: Ancient
Echoes by John Belt and Barbara Grimshaw. These CDs are designed for times
of reflection, meditation, and worship. Open the door and ENTER into an
experience in the eternal King's Realm where the fire NEVER dies. Come to
the streams of promise and wait until you encounter Him. Fire by Night
delivers a powerful and intimate live, prophetic, worship experience that
will thrill your spirit and invigorate your senses. This CD is one of our
best-selling AND one of my personal favorites!"
Steve Shultz
Where have we read that before? -- "where
the fire NEVER dies" – What is that describing? When we look that up in
our concordance, what materializes?
"And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out:
it is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, than
having two eyes to be cast into hell fire: Where their worm dieth not, and
the fire is not quenched" (Mark 9:47-48).
Or from the Living Bible, the paraphrase
many of these televangelists so love to quote: Mark 9:48 – "where the worm
never dies and the fire never goes out."
I don’t think I want to serve a "king" whose
abode is there!
Other charismatic ministries use -- even
over-use the "fire" symbol to describe their emphasis. We hear terms and
slogans such as "Touch of Fire Ministries," John Arnott hosts the TV
program Catch the Fire, "Fire Evangelism" a book by prophetic leader Che'
Ahn , Sacred Fire, a music CD by John Belt, "Wild Fire Ministries", "Blaze
of Glory ministry," etc. And then there are conferences called "Let the
Fire Fall"—
Chuck Pierce and Wendy Alec’s "5768--A Year
of Being HOT! and The WEST COAST OF America--I Am Pouring out the
FEROCIOUS FIRE of My Spirit"; Larry Randolph, Doug Addison and Sharnael
Wolverton’s conference -- "Mississippi AmpliFIRE: It's Time", Eff Jansen,
Bob Jones, Joshua Mills, David Herzog and Bidal Torrez will be featured at
the "Fire & Glory Conference." And Todd Bentley, Jill Austin and friends
will "Ignite Fresh Fire in Michigan" at their conference. Another
conference boasts, "ENTER into an Experience in the Eternal King's Realm
where the Fire NEVER Dies!!"
Scary stuff, isn’t it?
But what fire are these people toying with?
It is not a coincidence that the occult throws around the same "fire" term
in much the same manner as the Charismatics. In the classic occult book,
"The Secret Destiny of America," written by occult historian Manly P.
Hall, he writes of the special initiates of the flame who pass on secret
knowledge from Babylon all the way to modern day, on page 195:
"We are exploring into the mysteries of the
atoms and the electrons, and have brought the heavenly fire, electricity,
to be the servant of our purposes."
This fire of the occultists can also be
shared with others.
Cindy Jacobs, at the 1999 Charisma Women’s
conference in Daytona Beach spent quite a while throwing around the fire
to the participants, sometimes speaking in a deep voice with a look of
evil on her countenance. Over and over again, she waved her hand over the
crowd of women shouting, Fire!
"Yes for the Lord says there’s a new wave of
the spirit coming and the Lord is showing me that Daytona Beach is the
gateway for the fire of God… Church of Daytona, put your hands up. Yes,
burn up those religious spirits. Here comes more fire!! Take it! More!
Fire! Fire! Take it!!"
She seemed to be emulating Benny Hinn, who
has been using the "Fire!" shout for over a
decade. When this "fire-anointing" comes
over him, he says even his children are afraid of him. On October 19, 1999
during a guest visit on the Praise the Lord program on TBN, he told a
frightening story to host Paul Crouch.
Speaking of a perceived attack on his
ministry by the secular media, Hinn says:
"Right before that happened, my dear sweet
Suzanne (his wife) gets attacked… 2 o’clock in the morning, I wake up and
my wife is choking in bed. The devil trying to kill her. My wife wasn’t
acting like my wife. I saw my own wife attacked. It was like the last
thing I could handle, I think."
False prophet Kim Clement on the Praise the
Lord program on July 5, 2007 described the spirit that he mistakes for the
Holy Spirit in terms that can only describe an unholy spirit such as the
ones taking control of these men and women.
He said to hosts Matt and Laurie Crouch,
"The prophetic word opens up a whole new world out there for you to be
enticed. God entices you with a future. That’s the glory of the future, he
entices you. Remember something, he wants you there, he says he’s gonna
get you there and he’s going to lure you there."
Who is this "he" that is going to "entice"
and "lure" people to enter this "new world"? I believe this is the same
"he" that entices the fire throwers to spread his false anointing. It is
said in Scripture that in the last days (and I believe we are in those
days) God will remove this evil spirit that masquerades as the Holy
Zechariah wrote:
"It shall be in that day," says the Lord of
hosts, "that I will cut off the names of the idols from the land, and they
shall no longer be remembered. I will also cause the prophets and the
unclean spirit to depart from the land" (Zechariah 13:2).
That same unclean spirit gets mentioned in
the New Testament as well:
"When an unclean spirit goes out of a man,
he goes through dry places, seeking rest, and finds none" (Matthew 12:43).
Benny Hinn used the same terms to describe
the spirit that directs him – the one he passes around with the
"Fire on you" to those who attend his crusades.
Back when Charisma Magazine had its
own program on TBN, host Stephen Strang interviewed Benny Hinn. The date
was April 25, 1995. Strang asked Benny what he thought of the current
Toronto Blessing that was going on at John Arnott’s church.
"Well, where do you think this is leading?"
Benny responded,
"Well, I can tell you; it’s like a river.
The minute it starts moving, it goes into dry places. . . I mean the Bible
says that God will bring rivers in the wilderness."
Now where did we hear that before? Jesus
spoke about the spirits that go into dry places:
"When an unclean spirit goes out of a man,
he goes through dry places, seeking rest, and finds none" (Matthew 12:43).
And now in Toronto John Arnott’s young
people are involved in some of the scariest spreading of this fire onto
other young folks who come looking for a spiritual jolt. They call this
ceremony "fire tunnels" in which two rows of young people line up while a
group of blessing-seekers go single file down the middle. As they proceed
into the tunnel, shouts of "Fire" and "Fire on you" come out of the mouths
of the imparters as they touch the seekers’ heads and foreheads in order
to spread the fire. As they do, the recipients of these fire spirits jolt
and jump around with some pretty scary looks on their faces. (To see this
in action – go to these links at TACF:
I will end this look at the unholy fire of
the unclean spirit with a testimony of one who has been burned by it. Her
name is Amy and by the grace of God she and her husband were delivered out
of the fiery pit.
"We had gone to Toronto Airport Fellowship
twice and had experienced manifestations and we believe a Kundalini
experience. We have never been the same since going through this
experience. I have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia after having weird
manifestations that happened to me. I have experienced jerking movements
where my body had gone back and forth from rapid movement and also
experienced a manifestation as if I was an eagle and had actually felt as
if I had wings on my back. Also had been drunk in the spirit. I now
believe none of this was God! My husband had actually been glued to the
floor for 8 hours at White Horse Christian Fellowship in Lafayette,
Indiana. He had visions and had seen heaven and hell. He has also had
astral projection of flying over a city. He has also had muscle
involuntary movements in his throat. Again we know this was not God! It
has been a nightmare for us."
Amy and her husband were rescued from the
clutches of this unclean spirit of fire. I do not think it is a mere
coincidence that we’re told in Jude, the epistle right before the book of
Revelation, to snatch people out of the fire, while today’s false prophets
are telling people to jump into the fire. Those who follow these spiritual
imposters do so at the risk of being burned beyond recognition.
Pray for the young people who are falling
for the fiery bait.
Matthew 3:12 - "His winnowing fan is in His
hand, and He will thoroughly clean out His threshing floor, and gather His
wheat into the barn; but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable
Matthew 13:40 - "Therefore as the tares are
gathered and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of this age."
Numbers 26:61 - "And Nadab and Abihu died,
when they offered strange fire before the LORD."
Jude 1:23 – "And others save with fear,
pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the
EDITOR’S NOTE: This, and many other insightful articles exposing the
“Latter Days’ Great Apostasy” can be found at
My reply here:
Wow thank you for showing me this as I knew these people are being drawn to the Catholic cult that worships Lucifer and calls him Pope And the false Jesus Christ the Lord warned us about.
2 Corinthians 11:4 For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.
They all talk about these people being on fire for the Lord and now this makes sense. It is the evil Spirit Jesus warned us about that Satan brings us with his false Gospel and the Other Jesus.
Numbers 26:61 - "And Nadab and Abihu died, when they offered strange fire before the LORD.