Lharmen - exactly what I have been saying all illuminati
an do to all people who are chipped today. They can control them via their
own thoughts. One Veri-Chip installed under the cover of the vaccines all
cops must take and you can become a puppet. They load the body with heavy
metals like flouride (=Water, vaccines.) and or Mercury (Vaccines,
Psychotropic drugs). The heavy metals create the antenna required for
total control . 70 cops in Alberta were caught masturbating to images of
children and another 60 just recently all in about the past 10+ years. All
these cops are victims of mind control = Good cops removed from the police
force through mind control technologies.
Zionist mind control = chipped people
can have their
inner voice
listen to and talked to all the way back to before WW2 .
Mind control/Brain
decoder can eavesdrop on
your inner voice
- Oct 31 Lharmen - Hitler chipped his entire army
and told them God was talking to them it was called "God speak" and it was
not God but their captains talking to their inner voices . This is
everywhere across the Global today = war on drugs religion. Where ever you
find the Hell's Angels you find Mind control through this deceptive
Lharmen - I have said this before if
Fluoride is safe then drink a glass of it . Don't as you will certainly die.
This proves it is deadly poisonous but at very low doses it will only load
the muscles up so they can #1 be radiated and become radioactive ( Lower
the immune systems protective powers and energy) and #2 So they can be
used to be projected at the frequencies that control our bodes for mind
control purposes from embedded Microchips # 3 It is toxic to the nervous
system so the immune system can be
weakened so the microchips can control the energy Levels of our bodes for
further control of the body . When a mind control victim works out lots
they can not sleep after it. It is because the chip can stop you from
going to sleep as it is in control of the body when our natural energy
levels are drained. All popular stars, movie or singer, today are suffering sleep
deprivation and MK Ultra was using sleep deprivation to take control over
peoples bodies.
Paris says she attended a Justin
Bieber, 22, show on his recent tour and immediately became worried when
she caught a glimpse of her ticket stub. “He was tired, going through the
motions,” she recalls. “I looked at my ticket, saw AEG Live, and I thought
back to how my dad was
exhausted all the time but couldn’t sleep.”
Lharmen - this is the same thing I
suffer from. This is why we go into the wilderness for the full 3 1/2
years where we are nourished = strengthened until our Lord comes back for
us and we fight the wicked as Angles.
In this article the news reporters are being shown
technologies that have been around for fifty year now and this is what I
myself = Lharmen have lives and seen the U.S. Military created Hell's
Angle's are using on all of us. One Chip in a persons head and they can
interact with your inner Voice like we talk to people from to China real
time. Read the
Fiery darts of the devil page for more on
how these deceive millions possible hundreds of millions of people today.
More recently, DARPA’s Silent Talk programme has been exploring
mind-reading technology with devices that can pick up the electrical
signals inside soldiers’ brains and send them over the internet.
With these implants, entire armies will be able to talk without
radios. Orders will leap instantly into soldiers’ heads and commanders’
wishes will become the wishes of their men.
So to see that people can read your mind should not come
as such a surprise as it does to most !
In fact the U.S. military have been installing devices
into the upper jaw of hundreds of millions of people all over the World
then teaching then to follow your conscience as it is the "Spirit of God"
when in fact the Gang unit Hell's Angel cop is listening to your prayers
and answering (when you pray key words like "God" "Lord" "Jesus" "Father")
you as if they are little gods leading your thoughts. All War on drugs
professional informants around the World are victim of this technology
today. Your conscience is not the Spirit of God ... God warned us that to
follow your own heart/mind will lead you astray. Walk in Gods ways of Love
your neighbour as you self and you will be walking with the Spirit of love
which is the Spirit of God. Do not be deceived by the Going to Hell's
Angles and the Lucifer worshipping Mason War on all true Christian today.
They also teach (as I was in training to be a professional informant) That
they have human physiology down to a prefect science (see above linked
article for more proof ) when in fact they have mapped the Human thoughts
and the frequencies that cause an enormous amount of the Human bodies
healing and movement, <--including speech through frequencies, that they
can manipulate any person to do any thing they want them to even against
self preservation . So do not believe their lies about the evil people
need to be destroyed as nearly all people under their radar are victims of
Microwave (to lower immune system) mind control technologies today.
Microwave used to send inform ation through cell phones today also deliver
radiation see
Don't follow this ladies works
unless you have a good supply of eternal suntan lotion as she is headed
for hell. She tells the truth then leads you to Aliens and people are
living on the back side of the Moon. The Moon rotates and we can always
see the so called back side ..... Duhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!! She is Antichrist !
This is what I have
been saying for eight years now . The Western world is infested with
implants in our upper jaws that can see through our eyes, hear through our
ears, and can manipulate our actions. The can also speak into our heads as
if they are our conscience that is why the Cointelpro Cops tell their mind
controlled professional informants to follow their conscience as it is the
Holy Spirit. It is not the Lord's Spirit It is a human talking into your
head as the Lord would never tell you to use sex as a weapon. That is what
wolves do = they use the female to entice another dog into the trap and
this is exactly what the War on drugs does today = Sex as a weapon = Dogs.
Here is proof they could see through a Cats eyes long ago and when ever
we see this out in the open it has been hidden and perfected far past this
proof for a while now. Add the military applications ands with all
certainty they can see through a humans eyes through these bridles in our
it says right in this article they found a way to interface computers
with the human brain (Frequencies).
Proof of Mind control devices present in
your head when we hear embedded music with no player present see device
below. Our conversations do not play back or play on (repeating) but if
rock music, country, and Christian rock music plays back then you have
been implanted with a microcomputer into you upper jaw.
Isaiah 30:28
And his breath, as an overflowing stream, shall reach to the midst
of the neck, to sift the nations with the sieve of vanity: and there shall
be a bridle in the jaws of the people,
causing them to err.
All professional informants today have these in their
upper jaws and are being taught to follow your conscience when in fact a
human listening to your thoughts is talking back to you and directing your
actions as if they are your conscience or God.
These devices are in Hundreds of Millions
of Heads world wide today and through the Hell's Angels War on drugs Cops
create a crisis we need your help meeting these have been placed into in
unsuspecting victims heads everywhere the War on drugs exists today as I
have been telling you all I have one of these prophesied devices in my
head today. They have a drug that blocks memories and you will leave these
meeting remembering nothing of you wonderful knew implants being
installed. I did not read this I have lived this and seen this done here
in Canada through the free dental program through out the 1970/80's. This
method is how our R.C.M.P. were taken over and then they took over our
entire Nation from the top and working today towards the bottom to
completely control our country and through Doctors with out Borders I
witnesses this in Cuba. See here it was an R.C.M.P. officer who tried
recently to provoke a fist fight with me to shut me up read about it
See the Peter Hemingway pool in the back
ground of the larger picture. He tried again the Next day at the mall
across the street = West Mount Mall.
Computer chip maker Intel wants to implant a brain-sensing chip
directly into the brains of its customers to allow them to operate
computers and other devices without moving a muscle.
Mind control does not
exist it is all in your head ..... really !
....He said
a drug would be administered in the
form of a
drinkable liquid,
can’t remember the name right now but will call the office today and find
out. I asked what this drug did, assuming it would sedate him or knock him
out so the procedure could be done. The dentist, to my great shock, said
it would sedate him mildly, but that the most important function this drug
did was to
prevent him
from remembering anything that took place.
I was taken aback and was sure I had misheard what he said and I responded
with ‘What’? and he repeated it–the drug would not ‘knock him out’ but
rather would prevent him from remembering anything that happened, going
further by saying
“it causes
a temporary shut-down of that part of the brain responsible for
remembering things and blocks memories.”
Remember I wrote you all and told you the
story of my then 4 1/2 year old daughter Kayla Harmen and how she was put
under to have 8 teeth pulled and or worked on and mercury fills put in and
here we are seeing this again but with an important twist a drug that will
block memory being used on the civilian population and this is how they
are putting these microcomputers into all peoples heads with out anyone
remembering they have had this done to them around the world and it is
done through a drinkable drug. 4 1/2 year olds do not have one perfect
dental check then 6 months later 8 bad teeth .
In All these videos is exactly the technology Alex is
warning about Mind control but he is misleading everyone to believe it is
coming through the screen when in fact it is Frequency based Mind control
making him a control valve for the truth and clearly a Mason !
How they brain wash a nation! Today it is done through
Frequency technologies and people like Alex Jones are created to lead
people to believe it come through our screens when in fact it comes
through the sound systems.
S.S.S.S mind control videos here
Very important Video proves
mind control template for our western nations has been used on all of us.
Alex Jones was created to lead people to
take the Mark of the Beast (by way of the truth) =
E commerce Invisible bar code tattoo
as he is saying some how
a thumb scan equals the right hand or the forehead in scripture. A Wolf in
Sheep's clothing.
Alex Jones <-click on these to see proof.
The Ft. Hood killer is Major Nidal Malik Hasan, a Virginia Tech
Virginia Tech student Seung-Hui ChoSeung-Hui
Cho killed 32 students at Virginia Tech, then himself, in
April of 2007.
Cathy O’Brien claims to have been a victim of a U.S. Government mind
control program operating in a secret facility near Blacksburg, Virginia,
home of Virginia Tech.
Cathy O’Brien wrote a book about this in 1995 entitled
She claims Virginia Tech is good for two things, engineering and mind
control. She adds that most of the mind control experimentation being
conducted on the east coast of the United States is being performed from
this secret underground facility near Blacksburg, Virginia.
This mind control program is run by DARPA, an agency of the Department
of Defense responsible for the develpoment of new technology for use by
the military. Developing Manchurian Candidates seems to be an important
part of their agenda.
DARPA is an acronym meaning Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.
Supposedly you can use Google Earth to find the approximate location of
this secret underground facility. Type in the words “Kimballton Mine
Blacksburg Virginia”
or try typing in the words “DUSEL Blacksburg”. DUSEL is an acronym
meaning Deep Underground Science Engineering Laboratory.
You can also Google the MK ULTRA project and learn
more about the mind control programs the U.S. Government has been working
on ever since the Philadelphia Experiment went horribly wrong in the
Project Blue Beam
Sun Symbols of Freemasonry
Raw Story has also uncovered evidence that directly ties
the activities undertaken in the military analyst program to an official
US military document’s definition of psychological operations --
propaganda that is only supposed to be directed toward foreign audiences.
They have installed the prophesied bridles (Isaiah 30:28)
into the upper jaws of hundreds of millions of people through the war on
drugs and the doctors without borders are now putting these microcomputers
into the heads of world leaders and doctors and dentists in all nations
they have been allowed to enter. You will know for certain you have a
Microcomputer in your upper Jaw if you hear music
all day when no players are present . They are embedding music with
Witchcraft or hypnosis and looping it into our heads. The device works
like the above E.E.G. caps but on the inside of our upper jaw. Never
forget computers do not like water !!! If this is in your upper Jaw you
will certainly be surrounded by professional Informants messing with your
head in a Psychological War but take special note that all Narks that
smoke they never inhale as President Clinton bragged to the whole world he
never inhaled and he was a great informant that's how he and his wife
became President.
Note China just kicked the Doctors with out border out of
Darfur for Spying ... I wander if they know they are putting these mind
control devices into the upper jaws of the doctors and dentists?
They can see through our eyes , hear through our ears, read our thoughts,
and even put thoughts into our heads, they can put dreams in our heads
(Snake dreams = fear) and through the microwaves they can torture us when
we do what they do not like and they can stimulate massive amounts of
addictive pleasure when we do what they do like.
This shows us how many people were mind controlled through
this trauma based mind control event.
Every time a person hears 9 11 or the rest of the related
words the Jesuit/Freemasons pushed through the media and their conferences
into all our heads the hypnotic messages are reinforced in our memories.
The more a lie is repeated the more people will begin to believe it is the
truth. It is a powerful way to get people to believe what you want them to
believe but now remember this works well with messages we can see our hear
but these events are being broadcast with Silent Sound Spread Spectrum
Mind control technologies we can not see or hear but our Subconscious mind
receives them just the same but with no conscious mental filters to
protect us from receiving them as the truth or rejecting them as a lie
they are just simply added to our memories unknowingly reinforced as the
truth every time we here words related to these traumatic events. That is
why Alex Jones and the main Truth movement are allowed to freely keep this
topic up. Think of how many times and how many ways we have seen the
Kennedy assassination presented to us ...it to was a Trauma Based Mind
controlled event. Now every time this topic is raised the memories come
back instantaneously with the embedded hypnosis with it. Limit your self
to all of their head games or you will become one of them = Mind
Controlled Jesuit/freemason deathhead worshipping Hell's Angels = soldier
for the Pope.
All these wars around the world are controlled by the
Hell's Angels 303 rd division of the U.S. Military.
Elvis's death, Michael Jackson's' Death are also Mind
control events as we see the multitude of way they died being presented
just as we saw Kennedy's death manipulated to reinforce the messages. All
this is happening to prepare the world for the Antichrist Pope as if he is
God before the Iran and Syria wars begin.
This weapon is in place and can see through our entire
body as the larger version described here can.
I have had requests by trusted doctors to remove these
devices and I told them we need a frequency safe environment or I will not
survive. This is why = The ADS has been
dogged by controversy. Jürgen Altmann, a physicist at Dortmund University
in Germany, showed that the microwave beams can
cause serious burns at levels not far above those required to repel
people. <-(Or cause people Pain). This
was verified when a US airman was hospitalised with second-degree burns
during testing in April 2007.
They Pavlov us to do their will thinking it is our own
will to do these things...pain if you do something they do not like and
pleasure if you do what they want like use sex as a weapon and take part
in the war on evil in the name of the Pope their god disguised as the War
on drugs . Proof is in the fact you can not war on drugs only on people.
If it were only second degree burns I would live through
that to get these vile devices out of my body but these wicked people have
a device installed in my upper jaw as well and they continual read my
thoughts The same way an EEG reads our brain waves so I would not
get even close to the operating table before they started to destroy my
body. God said we would have bridles in our Jaws causing us to err when he
comes = Isaiah 30:28 and clearly these people can manipulate my thoughts
as they continuously rub it in my face what they can do to me. They love
evil and hate good as they are all Hell's Angels Jesuit masons.
Mind control is real people I am living proof of it. I
called on the Lord and asked his spirit into my heart and I know it is the
only reason I have the abilities to fight this now. All the World leaders
have these devices in their bodies and this is the powers of the
Jesuit/mason Mafias globally. Mark Philips said it right the Pope called
to mass mind control the whole world and they are through these devices
the doctors and dentists in all nations are always first to get these.
Then through the trust all people have in doctors and dentists they are
placing them into the general population and this has been happen globally
for well over 40 years now .
preparing for Project
Blue Beam . Through fear ( Sars is going to get you, Osoma Bin Laden is
going to get you, or this swine flu is going to get you = fear inducing
news bombarding all of us each time we watch the news today. These vile
technologies can induce hypnosis and place all people, through the T.V. ,
radio, cell phones ect, into a highly suggestible state of hypnosis.
Remember when you were called by your parents three times before you broke
away from the T.V. and yelled back "What" and they said "answer me when I
call you". This technology has been used on the global masses for over 50
years. Through fear like the 9 11 attacks they can send the world strong
delusion they should believe a lie and 9 11 and the general publics denial
of any
governments involvement is solid proof of
just how powerful this mind control technology is today.
(This technology is and
has been used on me in my tractor trailers and in my apartments and in all
the houses I have lived in. I disconnected the ABS system in the
last two tractors I have been driving and the problem was lessened greatly
... remember X president Clinton pushed the technology on all of us.
Abbaswatchman = Lawrence Harmen.)
The Israeli army said it “tracks Hezbollah’s military
build-up through both visible and invisible
means and is ready to act at any point in
Cornering the Terahertz Gap
Controlling light’s path could enable invisibility
or harness an intriguing but so far elusive stretch of the
Light is a nimble gymnast. It travels in many colors and frequencies.
Its waves, whether long or short, can shift to be longer or shorter. Light
waves change direction. They bounce.
What light can’t do, on its own at least, is bend backward. In other
words, it always refracts or reflects in a predictable, normal direction.
Scientists seeking to make light waves do such unnatural gymnastics
have failed to find any natural material that does the job. But in recent
years, physicists and engineers have been experimenting with different “metamaterials,”
engineered substances that interact with electromagnetic waves in
precisely controlled ways.
See his article again talks about invisible means God told
us they will not be held back from creating anything the human mind can
think of Invisibility has been discovered and is very likely
the reason why these devices have not been
discovered .
Otty Sanchez's aunt, Gloria Sanchez, said her niece had
been "in and out" of a psychiatric ward,
Police said Sanchez said the devil told her to kill her
son and that she was hearing voices.
Gee a psychiatric ward no way ...
MK ULTRA was exposed for using the psychiatric wars for mind control
projects using unwitting victims and here we see the evidence it has never
He heard voices from God, who told him his victim was a
'demon.' So the final denouement to the story of the man accused of
beheading a fellow passenger on board a bus doesn't come as any
"There was no rage or anything," remembered Garnet Caton,
who was making the journey that day. "He was
like a robot, stabbing the guy."
Take note that something not mentioned in this article
is that he was found eating the body just like the lady who killed her
child in the first story. Total 100 % mind control.
These bridles or
microcomputers in all these peoples upper Jaws wired into their brains
with Speak into skull technologies can make even evangelists believe
they are being commanded to lead your church to use sex as a weapon in
the name of God and it is happening in all Churches today globally.
Take special note of the pyramids in
the Prophecy club sign.
These are absolutely must watch
videos especially for my children and for Linda from Road king
They will give you very valuable keys to the puzzle of
life today that we all need to survive these days.
I will warn you that this man knows a lot and that raises
a red flag for me ... he may be a Mind controlled mason himself.
This man knows a lot and I suggest you learn all of what he says because
he is the only one I have seen who tells the truth about the Aliens being
created E.G. = D.N.A. splicing By man. Splice the eyes of an eagle into a
human or the eyes of fish into human D.N.A. . I have been warning people
of the Hell's Angels are all into Masonic Mind Control but it is like
telling a brick wall they don't care enough or they don't have control of
their own minds enough to care. Please watch all these videos and know I
have learned a lot from these videos according to Prophecy and the
Mysteries religions connection to the bloodlines that did the same through
out history being a part of Mystery Babylon . It explains so much. I
will add 2 things 1 st is that the Catholic Church was taken over by the
Freemasons and is now a synagogue of Satanic freemasonry and 2 nd the
Jewish branch of the Freemasons that control Israel today are run out of
New York City = the city that rules the world today.
I will tell you to watch these
many videos especially the ones I have marked at the bottom in blue
writing and know that I have been telling all of you I am a victim of this
mind control it is every where just as this credible man is saying..
Does he himself have an agenda ...I have not yet seen it but you can be
sure I will sound the alarm if he himself is a Mason.
Have faith not fear but remember Gods children are
destroyed for lack of knowledge so watch all of these videos.
Jesus loves you.
Watch for Damascus destruction possible this March Fri 13
Special note
that not all people who are victims of this are of the bloodline of the
illuminati or I would be be headed for hell and I am not. Hundreds of
Millions of Gods children are being victimized by this world wide.
The reason why so many pastors fell at
the same time in one of the below videos is because they are putting
devices into all our heads.
Isaiah 30:28
And his breath, as an overflowing stream, shall reach to the midst
of the neck, to sift the nations with the sieve of vanity: and there shall
be a bridle in the jaws of the people,
causing them to err.
Part 5 as my Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Mind Control - they start with a
child like they did with me at 5 by way of rape.
Part 9
Mind Control - favourite
people to create are Christian clergymen.
Part 10
Mind Control - two million people
conservatively are mind controlled in the U.S.
and school shooters are mind
control victims today. Not all people like myself that this happen
to are a part of these wicked bloodlines.
Part 11
Mind Control - they target
the Churches today. Assembly of God ministry
200 people fell at the same time =
bridles in our Jaws when the Lord comes =
Isaiah 30:28
Part 12
They can plan this all they want but
god is in control as to whether they can do this.
Mind Control - the Planning for
the 3rd world war. Warning of a Mock Alien invasion = strong delusion.
2 Thessalonians 2:11
And for this cause God shall send them strong
delusion, that they should believe a lie:
Alex Jones has a movie short that
explains there is an Alien fraud coming and he is in the Jesuit/Mason know
as he secretly is one.
Here is a video talking about a man made
craft that ended his life because he talked =
Bill Cooper
Aliens are ,as Bill Cooper says, a creation
of man and if an Alien Invasion does come it will be Man made even if the
Technology far surpasses our knowledge of technologies. They are man made.
Bill was wrong it does go to the head of the Catholic church as all those
who meet in secret bow down to the Pope. He is the god of this world.
Satan the Antichrist will cause
witchcraft to prosper
Practices to which the witchcraft label have
historically been applied are those which influence
another person's mind, body or property against his or her will,
or which are believed, by the person doing the labelling, to undermine the
social or religious order.
Mind control practises of the Neo-Cons parallel the
practices of the Babylonian Neo-pagans.
European pagan belief in witchcraft was associated with
the goddess
Diana and dismissed as "diabolical fantasies" by medieval Christian
This is someone Bush worships at skull and Bones =
goddess Diana
Rituals along these lines go on
for quite some time, recalling a cross between haunted-house antics and a
human pinball game -- "like something from a Harry Potter novel," in the
words of one Bonesman, now an engineer. It is perhaps worth noting, in
light of George W.'s controversial episode at Bob Jones University and the
specter of anti-Catholicism, that at one point in the proceedings every
initiate kisses the slippered toe of the
"Pope." At last the initiate is formally dubbed a Knight of
Eulogia. Amid more raucous ritual he is cast from the room into the
waiting arms of the patriarchs.
They worship death = Satan and
the Pope because he is Satan
These secret societies span the globe today under the
War on drugs banner .. but truly a War to rub out the Catholic and Greek
mafias competition all for the Papacy. Take note of the Catholic churches
connects are deeply root in The occult practises of Witchcraft or today we
call mind control.
ISAIAH 30:28 ...bridle in the
jaws of the people,causing them to err.
I Lawrence Harmen have one of these devices that I can
clearly feel through my upper gums.
The mason controlled western governments
have miniaturized this weapon = the
pain beam and have been installing them into our bodies along
with the Microcomputer into our upper jaws for 100% mind control.
This is how the C.I.A. create mind controlled Freemason
World leaders = Devices in their upper jaws. That's also why Israel
releases 100's of Palestinians in prisoner swaps = They can see through
their eyes , here through their ears, and can manipulate their thoughts to
control their bodies, even speak through their mouths.
Scientists from Maastricht University have developed a
method to look into the brain of a person and read out who has spoken to
him or her and what was said. With the help of neuroimaging and data
mining techniques the researchers mapped the brain activity associated
with the recognition of speech sounds and voices.
100% proof mind control exists today
All the school shootings in America form an X through
the U.S. is solid proof these people were robotically mind controlled
thought the prophesied bridles in our Jaws = micro computers in
conjunction with microwave devices that send radiation through out your
whole body. I have a device attached to my pelvis that is sending painful
microwaves through out my entire body all day for over 6 1/2 years since I
started to expose this and the thoughts that accompany these frequencies
are not mine but a products of these devices. They can read our minds
because they are wired directly into them through the devices in our upper
jaws just as they can see through our eyes . They have had this ability
for years to see through humans eyes . Read it these links below = doctors
can see through cats eyes.
Map of the USA depicts school shootings on two lines
that demonstrate they were planned events, not isolated, sporadic horrors.
A former Satanist discovered the following map on a bulletin board he
frequented. Several things immediately caught his eye, but first let
us look at the map. Prepare to be shocked.
Validate the locations listed here for your selves ( half way down page)
The power of the satanic X is everywhere today = XXX
movies and X crosses out Christ in Xmas just for starters.
These shooters are being jacked into and are, through virtual reality
suits, being completely robotically mind controlled.
All of our modern leaders have been micro computer chipped
and all robotically controlled even George Bush.
The Catholic Jesuits and Greek mafia are fully responsible
for all this happening though the C.I.A. powers they power share and
The Catholic Jesuit plan to control
the world exposed <-- Must watch video
This is the Catholics (un) holy trinity = this pyramid
of evil with the sun emanating from it.
Moses warned us all not to worship the Sun. Lucifer is
the False Angel of Light = The Sun god.
When Weishaupt founded the Order of the
Illuminati, he adopted the All-Seeing Eye symbol of Masonry, to be the
symbol of the organization. It is the Great Pyramid of Cheops, with the
capstone missing, and replaced with an eye. The All-Seeing Eye can be
traced back to Chaldea as the Solar Eye, the
Eye of Jupiter or Apollo, or the Eye of Providence. Hieroglyphics in
ancient Egypt identified the name of the chief Sun
God Osiris with a human eye.
Pope admits the Catholics
are the Chaldeans
= they killed jobs servants and they stole his goods and they ruled
Babylon and worshipped the Sun god.
We can see the Popes are
behind all evil Sun god worship and are worshipped through out the upper
Catholic Church as the Holy spirit sent by God or the Holy see.
The Pope
is Lucifer the
Babylonian Sun
god <-- video proof. The Popes are
Lucifer's Anti Christ spirit. He is the opposite of Jesus .
Let us never forget the
50 million Christians killed by the Popes during the 605 years of the
Spanish Inquisition by torture.
God said his children are destroyed for
lack of knowledge.
brain functions can be remotely monitored by
supercomputers and
even altered through the changing of frequencies,"
wrote Dr. Kilde. "Guinea pigs in secret experiments have included
prisoners, soldiers, mental patients, handicapped children, deaf and blind
people, homosexuals, single women, the elderly, school children, and any
group of people considered "marginal" by the elite experimenters.
ANTENNA - ISAIAH 30:28 bridle in the jaws of the people,causing
them to err.
This link is to an invaluable article explaining in great detail about how
mind control experiments came
about and how the C.I.A. are using microwave mind control and the facts
that they have been placing
devices in peoples bodies just as I have been exposing for along time.
will have bridles in our Jaws causing us to error when the Lord comes
ISAIAH 30:28
and these devices are in hundreds of millions of our upper jaws today
ISAIAH 30:28 And his breath, as an overflowing stream,
shall reach to the midst of the neck, to sift the nations with the
sieve of vanity: and there shall be a
bridle in the jaws of the people,causing them to err.
Keep your friend close keep your enemies closer The
Hell's Angels freemasons favourite saying.
Guess what I just discovered today Jan 17 2009 after
sending him an email : ( see above pictures of Cathy O'Brian and
Mark Phillips book which is all about how mind control works and I
know for sure it is real because I have lived it. Mark talks about
aliens at the end of the book to discredit all who ever try to talk
about mind control and most like me will run to mark and or Cathy
first with thier evidence as he is a mason Sun god worshipper as seen
here on the cover of his book.
This book was written to lure people like me who
have broken away from the wicked controls of mind control to tell what
I can see.
I have not yet broken free from working for the
mason's As I still work for these wicked people .
God said when he comes they have a hold of us and
refuse to let go .
They have a complete strangle hold on the trucking
industry today.
I met this man
and he was with Brian Ketel a man I know is at the head of mind
control projects here in Edmonton Canada. I asked him why he was with
this man and still to this day he has never given me an answer to my
many emails.
My name is Marquart (Mark)
Ewing Phillips, born May 17, 1943 in Nashville, Tennessee.....
I am recognized internationally by mental health and
law enforcement professionals as an authority on the secret science
concerning external control of the
mind.... I embarked on a study of the most secret technology known to
man: Traumabased mind control....
This super secret technology is an evolved system of remote human
physical and psychological manipulation that has only recently been
officially recognized by accredited mental health physicians for what
it is, absolute mind control....
<--- Freemason exposed. I tell you to read this book and realize that
it is full of the truth then he leads you to discredit all he says by
adding aliens at the end . Oh I do not doubt for a second Satan's
children are dragons. Lizards people are a freemason style fraud
to discredit the truth this book is full of mass mind control in
everywhere today.
This chart
shows what will happen to you if you have a bridle in your upper jaw.
It is not
external mind control it is internal mind control for the most part
and this is in
most of the
world leaders heads today.
God said it
would not get better it would only get worse when he comes.
Today they don't need the transmitters
( not as effective with out them so they still use them) and
all of this is done through satellite signals sent
directly into your head via the cell towers .
click on picture to enlarge
These are some of the electronic effects one will
experience if they are being
attacked they do this to
break a humans mind in order for programming to work .
I myself have experienced many of these . My hearing
is next to perfect yet I hear tinnitus constantly !
This is happening to millions of people today !
Bush Sr. New World Order Speech
= Satan wants
this = Bush Sr
Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this
world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,
lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of
God, should shine unto them.
All Catholics, Greek orthodox,
Anglican and now all Mormons are being trained at 4,5,6 years old
,unlike I was at 10 to become professional prostitute soldiers for the
under cover Hell's Angels war on drugs operations as my son and my
daughter were 6 years ago. My daughter(4 1/2 at the time) had perfect
teeth one check up then the next she was told she will be put under to
fix eight teeth that needed repair. She received
eight mercury fillings and a mind control
device in the roof of her mouth.
From just shortly after the operation she wanted nothing to do with
being with me or listening to anything I told her and before that she
loved me to no end. The mother of my son had told me she strongly
suspected my son was raped at the same time he was 5 1/2 the same
year. This is exactly what Cathy O'Brian and Mark Philips have told
the world through their book tranceformation of America. This is
happening to all our 4, 5, 6, year old children. I have
experienced Mind control projects MK Ultra my self and I know the
truth about these experiments that are massive especially in the
British common wealth nation today. These are some of the devices they
have used but are truly just the tip of the iceberg.
Here in Canada they
implanted millions of people through the false free dental program.
Free mercury filling which are to lower your immune system with a
bridle that went into the roof of a persons mouth . But no one is
talking about this anywhere. And with the exception that you know pay
for the dental work it is still happening. The doctors with out
borders are doing this in all nations they are sent to. And even Cuba
as when I vacationed there early this year (2007) I went to the
hospital only to get told the Canadian doctors were teaching through
the doctors with out borders. What a slick package of evil. Lawrence
Harmen Abbaswatchman.
ISAIAH 30:28
<-- .... bridle in the jaws of the people,causing them
to err
Mind control,(A
video link to more proof -
Clinton Admits There is US Gov't
Mind Control )
which is done simply by sending signals over the countries they want
to control, is taking place everywhere in the World today ! Cuba has
jammed the U.S. signals into Iran with the worlds best frequency
Jammers supplied by Russia . *NOTE*
That Iran's population has returned to
normal. What I mean by this is
that their country has returned to normal from their trying to over
throw their government. Bush said that "if you need us we will come "
They create
the crisis and then offer the solution.
Sending a call out to
all nations who want democracy.
You will see this happen to more nations soon(It is
happening just as I have said)
This is real and is
happening just as the Lord has said it would before he returns . Satan
is blinding their minds through mind control which is sent through
ultra low frequency F.M signals or micro wave signals which can target
the human mind and can completely control some peoples actions and
thoughts. We are seeing on a daily basis
people who are throwing their 4 year old daughters over a bridge and
then jumping themselves to their deaths when every person interviewed
said that this man was a model father who would never do this and
again we are seeing a man
who caught squirrels in his yard, then drove
them out of town to release them, killing 6 people in his church which
every one who knew him has said he would or could never do this .
These are mind control tests which are being conducted by the gang
unit police through the war on drugs in all countries that it exists
Today's microchips operate by means of
low-frequency radio waves that target them.
With the help of satellites,
(or even without the
microchip, according to the latest technology)
People this isn't
la la land stuff... this is very real and this is why the Lord is
coming. Mind control = no free will . I hated these people until
I learned that , just from the top down , they were the most abused
and that they have the weakest minds of all of us. Cathy tells
how the Catholics and the Mormons are turning their children into mind
control prostitute slaves for the American government . This has
everything to do with Scull and Bones and the Black Pope
based mind control is why there is a pedophile secrete society . Mark
Phillips and Cathy O'Brian tell of how the programming starts before
the age of 6 years old . You can hate these people who make up
these Secrete Societies but they really are the weakest minds out of
all of us . So they will not receive the love of the truth
before the tribulation period . Yes they are raping our children and I
was sickened to hear from the mother of my son that she strongly
suspected our son was raped at 5. But I know
that Satan can't take our souls and I know Jesus is coming very soon .
Through prayer and educating your selves you may be able to fight
thesesatanic attacks off
through standing up for the truth until the Lord comes for us
following Damascus destruction.
By asking forgiveness of your sins and asking the
Lord into your heart then ask him to break the power of Hypnosis on
your mind as I did and it was the reason Abbaswatchman exists today
the power of my faith in Jesus words the King James Bible ... remember
always Jesus loves you.
Today's microchips operate
by means of low-frequency radio waves that target them.
With the help of
satellites, (or
even without the microchip, according to the latest technology)
It is technically
possible for every newborn to be injected with a microchip, which
could then function to identify the person for the rest of his or her
life. Such plans are secretly being discussed in the U.S. without any
public airing of the privacy issues involved.
In Sweden, Prime
Minister Olof Palme gave permission in 1973 to implant prisoners, and
Data Inspection's ex-Director General Jan Freese revealed that
nursing-home patients were implanted in the mid-1980s.
The technology is
revealed in the 1972:47 Swedish state report,
Officiella Utradninger
Implanted human
beings can be followed anywhere. Their brain functions can be remotely
monitored by supercomputers and even altered through the changing of
Guinea pigs in
secret experiments have included prisoners, soldiers, mental patients,
handicapped children, deaf and blind people, homosexuals, single
women, the elderly, school children, and any group of people
considered "marginal" by the elite experimenters.
Today's microchips
operate by means of low-frequency radio waves that target them. With
the help of satellites,
the implanted
person can be tracked anywhere on the globe.
Such a technique
was among a number tested in the Iraq war, according to Dr. Carl
Sanders, who invented the intelligence-manned interface (IMI) biotic,
which is injected into people.
(Earlier during the
Vietnam War, soldiers were injected with the Rambo chip, designed to
increase adrenaline flow into the bloodstream.) The
20-billion-bit/second supercomputers at the U.S. National Security
Agency (NSA) could now "see and hear" what soldiers experience in the
battlefield with a remote monitoring system (RMS).
Today's super
technology, connecting our brain functions via microchips (or
even without them, according to the latest technology)
to computers
via satellites in the U.S. or Israel, poses the gravest threat to
The latest
supercomputers are powerful enough to monitor the whole world’s
population. What will happen when people are tempted by false premises
to allow microchips into their bodies? One lure will be a microchip
identity card. Compulsory legislation has even been secretly proposed
in the U.S. to criminalize removal of an ID implant.
Are we ready for
the robotization of mankind and the total elimination of privacy,
including freedom of thought? How many of us would want to cede our
entire life, including our most secret thoughts, to Big Brother?
Yet the technology
exists to create a totalitarian New World Order. Covert neurological
communication systems are in place to counteract independent thinking
and to control social and political activity on behalf of self-serving
private and military interests.
When our brain
functions are already connected to supercomputers by means of radio
implants and microchips, it will be too late for protest.
This is a part of my true
life story ( draft copy sent by mistake.)
click on picture to enlarge
click on picture to enlarge
Total mind control with out touching anyone and was
do-able in
1974 with small transmitters .
These are actual government documents that
escaped the shredder on MK Ultra mind control projects