Roman Numerals
Value Letter
1 I
5 U
5 V
10 X
50 L
100 C
500 D
1000 M

 There is lots of Catholic disinformation = Propaganda out there to protect Satan's identity. 

" Test all things" means just that - research this yourself .

How to interpret Roman Numerals - very knowledgeable site

Greek Hebrew
Value Letter Letter
1 Alpha Aleph
2 Beta Beth
3 Gamma Gimel
4 Delta Daleth
5 Epsilon Heh
6 Digamma Vau
7 Zeta Zayin
8 Eta Cheth
9 Theta Teth
10 Iota Yod
20 Kappa Kaph
30 Lambda Lamed
40 Mu Mem
50 Nu Nu n
60 Xi Samekh
70 Omicron A'ayin
80 Pi Pe
90 Coph Tzaddi
100 Rho Qoph
200 Sigma Resh
300 Tau Shin
400 Upsilon Tau
500 Phi Kaph-final
600 Chi Mem-final
700 Psi Nun-final
800 Omega Pe-final
900 Sanpi Tzaddi-final


Pope John XXIII after being crowned. Contrary to claims, as the photograph shows Vicarius Filii Dei is not written on it.

Contrary to claims, as the photograph shows Vicarius Filii Dei is not written on it.

The Catholics are propaganda experts and have had people start this false rumor

 in attempt to discredit the rest of these 666 findings ... but it's not working.

The Pope is Satan and Not the Antichrist as Lots are saying.

He is the Lamb with two horns who speaks as the Dragon - The Dragon is the head of the body of Satan = Three persons

The Antichrist is his son whom he will have worshipped as god.

The crown with these blasphemous names won't be shown to us until Satan's son takes the seat in the House of God as if he is God.

This is the only paper that contains this title that I could find

For the Greek and Hebrew titles related to the beast, let's consider first the table below:

LATEINOS Greek] - Latin speaking man

The beast is LATEINOS

L = 30 lambda
A = 1 alpha
T = 300 tau
E = 5 epsilon
I = 10 iota
N = 50 nu
O = 70 omicron
S = 200 sigma
TOTAL = 666

HE LATINE BASILEIA Greek] - The Latin Kingdom

H = 0 (transliterated)
E = 8 eta

L = 30 lambda
A = 1 alpha
T = 300 tau
I = 10 iota
N = 50 nu
E = 8 eta

B = 2 beta
A = 1 alpha
S = 200 sigma
I = 10 iota
L = 30 lambda
E = 5 epsilon
I = 10 iota
A = 1 alpha
TOTAL = 666

ITALIKA EKKLESIA Greek] - Italian (Roman) Church

I = 10 iota
T = 300 tau
A = 1 alpha
L = 30 lambda
I = 10 iota
K = 20 kappa
A = 1 alpha

E = 5 epsilon
K = 20 kappa
K = 20 kappa
L = 30 lambda
E = 8 eta
S = 200 sigma
I = 10 iota
A = 1 alpha
TOTAL = 666

ROMIITH Hebrew] - The Roman Kingdom

R = 200 resh
O = 6 waw (vav)
M = 40 mem
I = 10 yod
I = 10 yod
TH = 400 taw
TOTAL = 666

ROMITI Hebrew] - The Roman Man

R = 200 resh
O = 6 waw (vav)
M = 40 mem
I = 10 yod
T = 400 taw
I = 10 yod
TOTAL = 666

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