David Icke Sun Symbols in his Video pictures






Any one know what the all seeing eye is = The Worship of the Sun god.

two curved lines make up the outer eye = Freemason Sun Symbols


Both picture contain the Sun emulating from head and from the top on the right video cover

Lots of modern Mason Sun symbols in this picture see the chest and between the legs emanating from the head.




Note the rings and the child in the picture. The rings are Sun Symbols of the new world


freemasons worship the Alien god = Lucifer



take note of the Sun Symbol above the All seeing eye it is seen all over freemason owned business signs.

 Some of the dots I found Symbolize the Eclipse of the Sun and the moon and that is why there is two of them.

This was deliberately installed into this picture. These symbols are a force in witchcraft = a spell on the viewers.

Call on the Lord to break the powers of Witchcraft and Hypnosis we are all be targeted with.






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