2 Thessalonians 2:11 

And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

I am not saying Alex Jones is a false prophet today but a man connected at the hip to masons maybe he is Smedley Butler ... My warning is that he may lead you to believe in an Alien God. His video shows Obama as an Alien god ??? Aliens are Satanic period.


Alex Jones says there is an above Human Government running things

then he creates a video introduction to BARAK OBAMA being an alien god ..must watch and share with all you know.


Trailer - The Obama Deception - A Film by Alex Jones


Alex always brags about never being wrong on any of these issues ...because he has the mason play book.

I feel strongly about what Alex is a part of concerning Obama that he will flip sides to lead all to worship him or he will lead all to worship the Pope the one we see or one to come. Alex has recently been protecting the Pope as not being at the top of this evil he says it is Israel just like Mel Gibson in a way as he said when arrested the Jews are the worlds problem and it was the Catholics who were arm and arm with Hitler when he slaughtered some 5 million of them.


Modern Sun Symbols page for proof

Alex Jones worships the Pope

even the fact the globe is a part of his pictures is the new world order image seen in many mason owned companies logo usually along with the satanic "X"



Clear picture of a Sun symbol on the tranceformation cover showing their allegiance to the Sun god = the Pope

Here again is a Sun Symbol around the earth and a Sun symbol as see in many pictures near the top of Modern Sun Symbols page and one below.

Like this one in the Comcast sign but it is embedded into the earth on the opposite side.

Alexis a mason at the highest levels of the New World Order that why he knows so much about what will happen and how it will happen.


He says in this martial Law movie that may be he should join the New World Order.

You can't miss the Sun symbols in his cover = guilty of being a part of the New World Order of Sun god Pope worshippers.

That is why he is leading the world to believe all this evil is coming from the Jews when it is coming from masons called Zionists.

Masons are Catholics as all the the Popes wears a freemason ring.  


Another mason tells the truth about the Catholic church's creation of a false Sun god worshipping Islam

in these videos The Pope is Lucifer the Babylonian Sun god .

(there is a real Muslim Koran and belief but this one is fake as the new International Version Bibles New World order religion called Christianity better know as freemasonry and Sun day Church as it was made for the Sun god) but he says after all the proof that the mark of the beast has already past it was a political system ...........do not for one second believe it has come and it will be the "mark" of the e commerce bar code tattoo see link below. They always hook you with the truth then lead you to a deadly lie because it will lead you to Hell with the Hell's Angels. Jesus controls the Heavens Angels. Satan the Pope the god of this world controls the Hell's Angels = Catholic and Greek mafias.


He looks to be designed for many reasons but for sure to lead his listeners to believe the mark of the beast will be a chip when it will be an

E commerce Invisible bar code tattoo 

Remember it goes under the skin and invisible to the naked eye.

This is the mark ...it is not a chip.


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