MAR 13 2011
Recently there has been an accelerated ‘wave’ of UFO hysteria sweeping the globe, and many supporters have contacted us asking for comments. Later in this article, the recent claims are highlighted and addressed. Because we have written much in recent years about the growing popularity of what is commonly called the UFO phenomenon, this article will only briefly touch on what underpins this cultural phenomenon. Many of our original arguments and explanations are still relevant to these new speculative claims that appear in the media. This article provides many links to relevant articles already on, and we recommend spending time reading and researching these links and articles before commenting on this one (particularly before writing in, per the feedback rules of this site). It is impossible to cover every question raised by this phenomenon in one article, so for a comprehensive and up-to-date treatise we recommend the latest edition of the best-seller Alien Intrusion: UFOs and the Evolution Connection (AI) which has new first-hand research, or visit the aliens/UFOs section of our site.
Christianity redefined and replaced
Belief in extraterrestrial life has effectively become a new religion for
many, replacing traditional belief. For example, the sociologist Gerald
Eberlein stated:
“ … research has shown that people who are not affiliated with any church, but
who claim that they are religious, are particularly susceptible to the
possible existence of extraterrestrials. For them, UFOlogy is a substitute
A close examination of the phenomenon shows that it also provides a perfect
substitute ‘replacement theology’ for the big picture Creation > Fall >
Redemption > Restoration aspects of Christianity. Much of the UFO literature
seeks to:
Replace the Creator God with aliens, even claiming the Bible is actually
referring to these ETs and not God.
Substitute the Fall for an environmentalist catastrophe or message. I.e. the
aliens will not allow us to destroy ourselves and ‘mother earth’ as we are
allegedly doing.
The ETs will be the saviours of mankind and will rescue the earth in the
process. They even have rapture-type events predicted for the future.
There will be a restoration of the Earth or the ‘true (UFO) believers’ will be
transported to a new Edenic or Nirvana type planet that has not yet been
Note that many of the UFO stories have been received and channelled by
contactees who claim to be receiving special revelation from our ‘space
brothers’. This is an occult activity that masquerades as an enlightened
practice. (We recommend the DVD Alien Abductions and UFOs Exposed! or the AI
bookfor more on this.
“There must be life out there!”
Not that long ago the idea that older (on the evolutionary scale), more
technologically advanced (than humans), wiser and benevolent extraterrestrials
have visited or are currently visiting the Earth would have seen you carted
off to the local psych ward. But not anymore. Popular polls have even
suggested that up to 20 million Americans have seen a UFO and that 4 million
claim to have been abducted by aliens (see The Fourth Kind our review of the
infamous alien abduction movie of the same name). Such ideas have become very
mainstream and children in particular are very susceptible and are openly
targeted. Many seemingly credible scientists now believe that life on Earth
originated from outer space via either directed or undirected panspermia
(‘seeds from space’—from the Greek words pas/pan [all] and sperma [seed]).
Some very famous scientists have even suggested that our DNA may contain
revelation from our alien creators once we are smart enough (like them) to
decipher it. Ironically, this makes many of them ‘creationists’ (sort of). It
appears that they just don’t want the God of the Bible to be responsible.
The strength of such ideas also presents a challenge to the traditional
Christian worldview, because they are in stark contrast to the idea that
mankind is the central focus of God’s creation. A straightforward
understanding of Scripture leaves no place for similarly sentient and
intelligent morally aware beings elsewhere in the universe. The primary role
of the creation was to bring forward a bride for Christ (see Did God create
life on other planets? for a biblically-based perspective on this). Such a
seemingly ‘dogmatic’ stance has led to shouts of ‘arrogance’ aimed at
Christians. However, these are strange accusations, coming from those who
believe that the universe is widely inhabited by ETs, because to date we do
not have a shred of indisputable evidence that ET has visited us or is living
out there somewhere.
We have often been challenged by Christians who have no problem with the
concept of alien life. In our experience, this ‘Christian’ view is driven by
an anthropomorphic (or human-like) view of the abilities and purposes of God.
In short, many conclude that God would not have made the universe so big just
for mankind, otherwise it would seem an awful waste of space. First, God is
God and there in none like Him. A quick search of the Scriptures reinforces
this at least a dozen times using terminology like:
There is none like you among the gods, O Lord, nor are there any works like
yours. Psalm 86:8, emphasis ours).
In Isaiah 55:9, note that He specifically uses the universe as an example of
His awesome power, God tells us not to attribute fallible human reasoning to
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your
ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
In Evolution and the science of fiction we highlighted that the most popular
entertainment genre today is science fiction and how popular cultural ideas
are shaping our worldviews. It involves the majority by far of the highest
grossing movies of all time. See our Avatar movie review and Avatar
Aspirations Sci fi helps create an alternate belief system. The Bible is
notably silent about any extraterrestrials, yet if an ET visit in their
technologically advanced hyperdrive spaceships was imminent, it would be
reasonable to presume that our sovereign and prescient Creator would let us
know about such things. This is not an ‘argument from silence’, but rather
from ‘conspicuous absence’. After all, a commissioned report by NASA as far
back as 1960 concluded:
“While the discovery of intelligent life in other parts of the universe is not
likely in the immediate future, it could nevertheless, happen at any time.
Discovery of intelligent beings on other planets could … could send sweeping
changes or even the downfall of civilization, … . societies sure of their
place have disintegrated when confronted by a superior society.”2
There is no need to invoke a size argument to explain why God made the
universe so big—we need to remember that it is only big to us as mortal finite
beings. The Bible indicates that He made all things in heaven and on Earth in
six days—for a Creator capable of this in the first place, it is not hard for
Him to make it whatever size He chooses.
Again in Evolution and the science of fiction we wrote:
“Apologist John Whitcomb writes: ‘It must be recognized … that it required no
more exertion of energy for God to create a trillion galaxies than to create
one planet’. Isaiah 40:28 says; ‘ … the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator
of the ends of the earth, does not grow weak nor weary … ’. Actually, stars
are rather simple structures—they have been described as ‘glowing balls of
gas’. There is far more complexity in the genetic code of the simplest
organism than in a thousand galaxies. It would thus take more ‘creative
input’, in that sense, for Jesus’ miracle of feeding the five thousand than
for the creation of countless quasars (there is immense complexity in the
structure of even a dead fish). And presumably, if God had created only our
solar system, sceptics would ask why, if He were so great, did He not create
something on a larger scale.”
Isaiah 45:18 tells us specifically that the Earth was made for a special
“For this is what the LORD says—he who created the heavens, he is God; he who
fashioned and made the earth, he founded it; he did not create it to be empty,
but formed it to be inhabited—he says: ‘I am the LORD, and there is no other’
(emphasis ours).”
And lastly, Psalm 19:1 reminds us that:
“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the expanse proclaims His
In short, instead of looking at the awesomeness of the universe and thinking
“I wonder what else is out there”, we should be reminded of the awesomeness of
the One who made it all (Romans 1:20) for surely the universe provides us with
some indication of how incredible the Creator really is. Also see Is the Bible
falsifiable? And would a real live ET do it? (round 1) and round 2.
It should also be noted that many people do see seemingly inexplicable things
in the sky and some even have experiences with alleged alien beings. We do not
and have never denied that such experiences can occur. However, we do dispute
the source (cause) of many experiences, particularly when people think that
just because they have seen a light in the sky, it must automatically be
extraterrestrial in origin. Christians, too, have fallen into this trap
because of the integration of popular culture into their worldview. We
recommend reading Christians shaped by experiences—a danger in accepting ‘the
physical reality’ of UFOs. God warns us many times in Scripture to have
nothing to do with mediums, diviners, those who tell the future or the spirits
of the dead. Please note that because the Bible, in these cases, mentions such
things, it does not mean that they are true. The warnings are due to the
source behind such manifestations. Secular UFO researcher John Keel noted:
“The UFOs do not seem to exist as tangible, manufactured objects. They do not
conform to the natural laws of our environment. They seem to be nothing more
than transmogrifications tailoring themselves to our abilities to understand.
The thousands of contacts with the entities indicate that they are liars and
put-on artists. The UFO manifestations seem to be, by and large, merely minor
variations of the age-old demonological phenomenon” (Emphasis ours).3
Evolutionism at its core
The main advocates of extraterrestrial life, however, are evolutionists. In
The UFO phenomenon—growing and not going away! Is it the next great challenge
for the church? we wrote:
“The interest in the search for extraterrestrial life is huge—mainly fuelled
by the enormous popularity of science fiction and its depiction of advanced
alien life on other planets. Many evolutionists are acutely aware of this. In
fact, in the minds of many young people, the idea of alien life ‘proves’ the
theory of evolution itself. It has almost become a circular self-serving
Evolutionists believe:
Life evolved on the earth
The universe is an enormous place
Life must have evolved elsewhere
Because of evolutionary teaching, many people now believe:
Since the universe is an enormous place, we cannot be the only ones)
Aliens must exist [if they evolved here, why not elsewhere, as the conditions
must be right on one of the many billions of Earth-like planets they presume
to exist.] (science fiction can’t be all wrong!)
If aliens exist they must have evolved
It ‘proves’ that life must have evolved on the earth also.”
Also see ET needed evolution. UFO commentator and author Ronald Story also
“ … science fiction has become our myth, and science has become our religion.
Due mainly to media influences and a hideously complicated world, most people
are finding it increasingly difficult to distinguish fantasy from reality.”4
In a big picture sense, the whole realm of UFO beliefs is truly a religious
idea built upon yet another religious idea (evolution). As I wrote in AI:
“The common denominator of both camps is the belief that evolution has
occurred for countless eons on the earth and all over the universe. This point
cannot be emphasized strongly enough—it is the basis for virtually all belief
in alien life, whatever form one thinks that life may take.” 5
The latest claims
Many ‘true believers’ in UFOs become very frustrated and impatient at the lack
of information emanating from official sources about UFOs. Because there are
so many sightings, and indeed, because of their own experiences, they feel
that the government must be complicit in hiding the truth. This was
particularly the case for The Roswell Incident. The truth behind the
speculations that something otherworldly crash-landed on a ranch in Roswell,
New Mexico, was not aided by the UFO true believers. An overlay of deliberate
misinformation helped this event become a defining moment in UFO lore. See
Reaching out at Roswell to see just how much hype in this town is dedicated to
embellishing the UFO story.
Here is a summary of the latest claims and speculations.
Vatican astronomer wants to baptize ET
In late 2009 the Vatican held a conference to discuss how Catholic theology is
affected by the existence of extraterrestrials. It should be worthy of note
that no one ever really questioned whether ET exists or not. That ‘fact’
seemed to be a foregone conclusion. Note that I was actually interviewed by
the Washington Post for my opinion on the conference. Then international news
broadcaster CNN repeated my summation from that interview. The CNN report can
be seen here. Now the Pope’s astronomer Dr Guy Consolmagno, on whom we have
reported before, said he would even be happy to baptize an alien, but “Only if
they asked”.6 It was reported that “A self-confessed science fiction fan, he
said he was ‘comfortable’ with the idea of alien life.”
He is also an avowed fan of evolutionism and is quick to dismiss the
creationist viewpoint and intelligent design. He seems to be ignorant of both,
and it would appear than he has simply never heard a good creationist
presentation (like so many who openly ridicule). His comment that “Intelligent
aliens may be living among the stars and are likely to have souls” also
displays a warped view of Scripture, unfortunately. Although professing to be
Christian, his views, like those of many theistic evolutionists, can hardly be
held up as a bastion of biblical truth.
Former Air Force officers make sworn testimonies about UFO encounters
In September, 2007 ex-US Air Force officers and one enlisted man gave a
lengthy presentation at the US National Press Club.7 As such, it was widely
reported on in the media.
Some of these men are certainly specialists in their respective fields, and
one would think that they are not all prone to flights of fancy or delusional
behaviour, nor do they have some collective agenda to fabricate stories. Some
of the reports are very powerful, such as strange lights hovering over nuclear
missile silos which are seen descending into the silos.
On some such occasions the actual missiles were deactivated.
The behaviours of the strange objects certainly would give the impression that
there was some intelligent force guiding them. They also testified that on
many occasions CIA agents came out and took over the investigations and hushed
up the events without further explanation being offered to the officers.
These events are nothing new and have been known amongst UFO researchers for
many years. Robert Muller, a high-ranking nuclear physicist who served as one
of the US government’s top advisors on nuclear secrets, was asked if there was
a cover-up about alien visitations. He said (laughingly) and denying any
“If there is, I’m part of it. There’s no cover up. If there is, I would
certainly know about it.”8
He said that the officers have simply seen things that they don’t understand.
And that:
“ … the paradigm of the era was that things you don’t understand are flying
saucers, [then] that’s how you reported them.”
He offered no explanation though as to what they were, but we concur with his
assessment that it is the cultural overlay that drives the interpretation of
the evidence (just like evolution theory).
This was reinforced when some of the officers attributed
motive to the actions of the UFOs. How can they know such things when a UFO by
definition is merely an ‘unidentified flying object’, and in these cases they
still remain unidentified? The Air Force officers did say that on some
occasions they were told that because these were matters of national security
(after all it did involve the nation’s nuclear arsenal), the public would
panic and that’s why it was being hushed up (this fits with the NASA quote
earlier in this article).
As I concluded in AI, the UFO phenomenon is the age-old spiritual deception in
a modern and very believable guise. It is being performed by fallen angels
with the intent of deceiving mankind as to our place in the universe as per
the Bible. The Bible records the activities of angels. They appear in a myriad
of forms, sometimes appear physically and can most certainly affect our world,
even killing people on occasions.
However, governments along with their scientific advisors and researchers do
not officially recognize the supernatural realm, and much less that such
phenomena could be malevolent angels. Their aim is to explain everything
naturalistically. In AI I wrote:
“So why does the government have nothing to say in this matter? This remains a
mystery, and perhaps it is the religious connotations that prohibit it from
‘official’ classification. Because the occultic and spiritual nature of such
claims is not scientifically verifiable, perhaps governments do not want to
admit that they cannot explain what is really happening. One could imagine the
public disquiet if its leaders actually admitted that ‘something is happening,
we don’t know what, and we are powerless to do anything about it.’ [Besides
widespread panic] It would be open season for every bizarre claim of the
‘UFOnuts’ and hoaxers professing to have the answer, and could lead to a
serious, although unwitting, endorsement of those self-professed UFO messiahs
who claim to be in contact with the ETs. It would be even more difficult to
weed out the apparently genuine and serious claims from those of the frauds
and fame-seekers. Hence, it seems, the blanket statement, “UFOs pose no threat
to national security.”9
Thus, seeming silence on UFO events only adds to the conspiracy idea, that the
government must know something and is covering it up—particularly when former
NASA Apollo astronauts like Edgar Mitchell have made similar claims that the
aliens are with us.
‘United Nations appoints an ET ambassador’—hoax report
The internet was ‘on fire’ as news that the United Nations was set to appoint
an ambassador to greet the aliens when they ‘eventually do land’ spread
virally across the globe.10 However, this was a hoax.11 The reports were so
specific that they even named Malaysian astrophysicist Dr Mazlan Othman as the
appointee to allegedly head the Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA), a
department that really exists. Many of the major news services were taken in
by the claim without properly checking the facts. This aptly demonstrates how
credible such a move would be regarded as, due to the public perception that
aliens are a ‘fact’. Such calls for an appointee are nothing new.
We have previously written about the request from former
Canadian Defence Minister Paul Hellyer for governments to create exopolitics
departments. His fear was that ‘primitive earthlings’ are likely to shoot
first and ask questions later, which could result in a galactic confrontation
when they are ‘only here to help us’. His belief in the reality of alien
visitations to the earth is so strong that he is:
“ … is demanding governments worldwide disclose and use secret alien
technologies obtained in alleged UFO crashes to stem climate change.”12
He said:
“I would like to see what (alien) technology there might be that could
eliminate the burning of fossil fuels within a generation … that could be a
way to save our planet.’
His belief that aliens possess the technology to save mankind from the effects
of alleged global warming is nothing new. The religion of UFOlogy has many
looking to the stars for our ‘saviours from outer space’ as mentioned
previously. In AI, I wrote that in July 1978, UFO enthusiast and then prime
minister of Grenada, Sir Eric Gairy, was petitioning the U.N. to create a
special group for the purpose of investigating UFOs. He believed that America
was keeping quiet despite knowing the ‘truth’ about them. Famous NASA
Mercury/Gemini Astronaut Gordon Cooper supported his idea, and during a
lengthy speech, he was quoted as saying:
“I believe that these extraterrestrial vehicles and their crews are visiting
the planet from other planets that are a little more technically advanced than
we are on earth. I feel that we need to have a top-level coordinated program
to scientifically collect and analyze data from all over the earth concerning
any type of encounter and to determine how best to interfere with these
visitors in a friendly fashion … .”13
At the time of writing an internet search still reveals hundreds of web pages
still claiming that the UN appointment is accurate. However, Ms Othman has
apparently personally denied the claim although she apparently recently stated
in a speech to fellow scientists about what to do when we make contact with
the ETs:
“When we do, we should have in place a coordinated response that takes into
account all the sensitivities related to the subject. The U.N. is a ready-made
mechanism for such coordination.”
Such elaborate hoaxes are common in UFOlogy. So strong is the UFO believers’
preexisting belief that alien visitations have occurred on the earth, that for
them the end justifies the means in order to reveal the truth widely. See our
report on the Alien Autopsy movie, for example.
As one can see, UFO beliefs are strongly held in all quarters of the populace.
We would not be surprised if in the future such an appointment could be made
by the UN or various governments, which would only further embellish the idea
of ET being with us.
The Disclosure Project
This is something we have been asked about on several occasions. A worldwide
movement known as The Disclosure Project has been operating since 1993 to help
‘reveal the truth’ about alien contacts. It was commenced by UFOlogist Steven
Greer, who claims governments have been covering up ET’s calling cards. His
movement tapped into the public consciousness when he also stated that
governments have been concealing advanced energy technologies that could
ultimately benefit mankind. Such ideas are usually called ‘Top Secret Black
Projects’ that are not revealed because they could upset the socioeconomic or
politically stability of the world.
Greer is a former ‘5th Kind’ contactee (mutual contact with aliens), which
would go a long way to explaining his passion about the subject. After all he
believes he knows and has experienced the ‘truth’ by virtue of his ET
conferences. He dropped out of college to study as a teacher at the Maharishi
International University. This is a ‘college’ started by Maharishi Mahesh
Yogi—the famous guru for the pop group the Beatles back in the 1970s. Yogi is
also known as a pioneer of new age transcendental meditation. It is no
surprise how people’s exposure to UFOs leads them into the occult as was shown
in AI time and again, and has also been demonstrated by psychologists and
other professionals.
Greer has since qualified to become a medical doctor, but also uses his
talents to help people make contact with ETs using meditation, remote viewing
and channeling. He is one of the most well-known UFOlogists in the world and
has appeared regularly on the media (including CNN’s Larry King show) to
express his views. The media loves nothing more than a good conspiracy after
all. In recent months there has been much speculation that he has even met
with government officials to discuss Project Disclosure. Greer’s star is
rising and he is being regarded as somewhat of an expert in this area.
However, it is quite easy for most Christians to see the occult factor in his
thinking. This is quite worrying as one could almost expect official sources
to state that there has been alien contact in an effort to explain simply
something they don’t understand and misinterpret—the same way as the former US
Air Force officers mentioned earlier.
Nuclear physicist says UFO cover-ups are akin to a ‘cosmic Watergate’14
Another report reached us that a ‘credible’ nuclear physicist who has worked
for major American companies claimed to have proof of cover-ups like the
aforementioned Greer. However, the scientist in question is well-known to us.
He is Stanton Friedman, a ‘true believer’ who has been investigating UFOs for
over 50 years. Back in 1978, Friedman was introduced to Captain Jesse Marcel,
the Air Force officer who claimed to have found a wrecked alien craft on a
ranch in Roswell back in 1947. It was Friedman’s initial enquiries that led
authors Berlitz and Moore to pen the massively popular book The Roswell
Friedman is no innocent bystander. He is one of the most outspoken proponents
of the extraterrestrial hypothesis and has even accused the SETI project of
being complicit in the cover-ups. As mentioned, everybody loves a good
conspiracy theory. A 2002 Roper poll, commissioned by the Sci-Fi Channel,
noted that 72 percent of Americans believed the U.S. government isn’t telling
all it knows about UFOs, and 68 percent thought the government knows more
about extraterrestrial life than it cares to disclose.
As to the reason governments cover up, Friedman says:
“I don’t know of any government on this planet that wants its citizens to owe
their primary allegiance to the planet. Nationalism is the only game in town.”
Again, his religious zeal for aliens to exist was demonstrated when he added:
“I’m still optimistic that, within my lifespan—and I’m 75—we’ll get at least a
part of the story, that we’re not alone in the universe.”
However, as we have often suggested, besides the desire for such things to be
real, there are often more mundane agendas at work. UFOs are big business
(just ask Hollywood), and this latest claim by Friedman coincided with the
release of his latest book Science was Wrong. Claims of government cover-ups
are usually a sure-fire way of getting media attention.
British School children trained during UFO crash drills
Perhaps one of the more comical claims, yet sadly also very disturbing, was
that 8–10 year-old schoolchildren in the UK have been conducting UFO crash
drills.15 On further investigation these appear to be isolated incidents in
just a few schools and not education department curriculum (not yet anyway).
The scenario is that children are told that a UFO (common
vernacular for alien spaceship/flying saucer etc.) has crashed in the school
grounds. They are then told to secure the scene and collect wreckage until the
authorities arrive. The local police are also complicit in the stunt as they
eventually turn up and take over the ‘investigation’. The children are then
asked to write about their experiences. A teacher at the Sandford Primary
School stated:
“The children didn’t know what was going on … As they approached the crash
site, we could see how amazed and perplexed they were. It was a fantastic
first reaction.
“Police constable Gary Densham, who took part in one of the staged UFO crashes
last year at the Lanchester Endowed Parochial Primary, said, ‘The older pupils
were asking questions about the crash site, like whether it was safe, but the
younger children were convinced they’d seen the crash happen. Their
imaginations were brilliant.’”
One wonders how most ordinary people can accept the brainwashing of their
children in the school stunt just mentioned. It creates a disassociation
between reality and fantasy for them so that it will make it increasingly
difficult for them to discern the truth in the future. Particularly when the
authority figures in their lives deceive them so openly.
The many media claims dealt with above are just a few from the constant stream
of such items that come to our attention on a regular basis. If there is a
conspiracy or a plot afoot, then it is emanating from spiritual forces that
are seeking to undermine God’s rightful place as Creator, and the veracity of
His Word—undermining the gospel in the process.
Every day, people see strange things in the sky that they can’t explain. It
does not automatically follow that such sightings are alien spaceships. We
have even had many Christians approach or contact us to claim that what they
have seen must have been extraterrestrial in nature. This is due to a kind of
cultural conditioning that people are exposed to via their education and
popular media (movies and claims like the ones we’ve just discussed). The
Apostle Paul said:
“The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and
follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons” (I Timothy 4:1).
We realize that taking a stand against the idea of ET life will polarize
Christians in this modern culture. But do not be deceived by powerful
manifestations emanating from the spiritual realm. The Lord Jesus warned:
“For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and
wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. 25See, I have told you ahead
of time” (Matthew 24:24–25) (emphasis ours).
As we have often stated, we should make a stand on the truth and not be
concerned that the Bible might somehow be falsified (e.g. by a ‘real ET’) when
it comes to big picture issues like God being the Creator. Our strong view is
that there is simply no room in His Word to squeeze in a benevolent alien or
two. As sightings and alleged contacts increase, and governments take official
positions to seemingly endorse the notion, it is worth remembering that
mankind’s inclination is towards rebellion and rejection of God, seemingly
looking to anything else rather than accept Him as Creator. Jeremiah 17:9
reminds us:
“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know
Many Christians have already been led astray by accepting another manmade
philosophy (evolution) that had its origin with the lies of the evil one when
he asked the very first humans:
“Did God really say?”
And told them:
“You shall be as Gods” (Genesis 3).
The entirety of the UFO phenomenon has its genesis in the origins issue, via
the promotion of evolution on other planets. A belief in biblical creation,
and using the Bible as our worldview filter, helps us to critically think
about all of reality, including the supernatural. In a play of words using
science fiction parlance we say “Resistance is fertile.”
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